Fiat Serviam Choir

FIAT - be it done unto me; God's will be done
SERVIAM - of service

Fiat Serviam Choir
"To be of service to GOD's will" 

     To be of service to our Parish as a choir by sharing our talents in singing so as to show God our act of gratitude for all the graces He had showered upon us.

1:  The member/s must love God above all things.
2. The member/s shall sing for praise and glory.
3. The member/s should practice good manners and right conduct.
4. The member/s must help others for the unity of choir.
5. The member/s should be punctual.
6. The member/s should follow the elders in tasking.
7. The member/s must observe proper attire.
8. The member/s will open to each other.
9. The member/s will be punished for a vulnerable reason.
10. The member/s should respect each other.
11. The member/s should be loyal to the group.
12. The member/s should not use the name of Serviam in any formal acts/behavior.
13. The member/s should set their priorities.
14. The member/s should fathom the genuine meaning of "SERVIAM".
15. The member/s should follow all the rules and regulations listed above.

♫♪ No forced commitment just a voluntary act of service. ♪♫

Saturday: 8 p.m. practice
Sunday:   6 p.m. mass

Founder:       Orly Talavera
Coordinator:  Lheia Zerquiel

    As a member of the fiat serviam choir pledge, to be of service to God and to our Parish, by giving back to Him the talent of a good voice he has given me, through singing whole heartedly everytime during masses we are required to sing and anywhere we could extend our help, because i believe that it is in singing beautifully that we are praising Him endlessly. 

Saint Michael and the Archangels

Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangels
 Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in the battle.
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host -
by the Divine Power of God -
cast into hell, satan and all the evil spirits,
who prawl upon the world for the ruin of souls. 

 National Shrine of Saint Michael and The Archangel Parish church
  National Shrine of St. Michael and the Archangels is located at J.P. Laurel corner Gen. Solano St., San Miguel Manila

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About This Blog

Fiat Serviam Choir is a group of people who serve God by singing praises to Him.
And this blog is made to share the daily happenings of us, the activites, and schedules. And also, this blog includes some lyrics I didn't find over the internet thinking it would help others.

Please feel free to explore this blog, and you can suggest some lyrics that I may include here.

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GOD bless us all!

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